About us

Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources has considered the internationalization of the university activities and programs as a strategic goal. To achieve this goal, international activities are prioritized and the international working group of the university with representatives from each faculty was established to help in decision-making and development towards internationalization. Its most important plans are to increase its prestige and introduce the university to international scientific forums. Among the programs and activities of the international office of the university, the following can be mentioned:

  •   Advertising and introduction of the university at the international level.
  •  Identifying the status of universities and scientific institutions in other countries in order to formulate a cooperation plan with them in line with the university's internationalization policy.
  •  Efforts to expand mutual scientific relations between universities and educational and research centers and institutions abroad.
  •  Drafting and concluding agreements, protocols, and memorandums of understanding with other universities and reputable scientific centers and institutions abroad.
  •  Providing services to university faculty members to use study opportunities, and participate in international congresses, conferences, and seminars.
  • Introduction of foreign courses and scholarships (Erasmus, Mevlana, …) for the use of faculty members and students based on the relevant criteria.
  •  Providing the necessary facilities for postgraduate students to participate in international congresses, conferences and seminars, and short-term research opportunities.
  • Making the necessary arrangements to invite foreign experts and specialists
  • Implementing the international goals of the university.
  • Notifying the circulars and announcements of the Ministry of Science related to the international activities of the academic community.

  Last Update : 10/31/2023 11:08:26 AM